Jock Scott From: Favorite Flies (1892) Mary Orvis Marbury Tied by Paul Rossman A representation of how American-tied salmon flies looked in the 1890s
Tag:       Fine oval silver tinsel and yellow floss
Tail:      Golden pheasant crest and Indian crow
Butt:      Black ostrich herl
Body:     Rear half of yellow floss ribbed with fine oval silver tinsel, butted with black 
             herl, and veiled above and below with golden toucan; front half of black floss 
             ribbed with fine oval silver tinsel
Throat:   Guinea fowl
Wing:     White tipped turkey ; married strips of blue, yellow, and red swan, and golden 
              pheasant tail; bronze mallard over top 
Cheeks:   Jungle cock and blue chatterer
Topping: Peacock sword and golden pheasant crest
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